Mo Luxury x Moriah Marshall

Moriah Marshall is a certified and independent hairstylist located the heart of NoDa here in Charlotte, North Carolina. With seven years of experience, she says, “I’ve always wanted to be out on my own, I need a new start and motivation!” With that being said, she is currently working on a new business venture that will allow her to be part owner and hairstylist at the Curl Lounge. The vision she has for the new salon will be a safe haven for women with curly hair.

As someone who has curly hair, I know how difficult it is to find someone who you can trust to cut, color, or straighten your hair. Moriah has been doing my hair for two years and when she mentioned the idea of a salon specifically for curly hair, I was beyond excited! Not only for her, but for all the curly haired women. She continues to say, “I’m taking myself to the next level and pushing my boundaries to become the best hairstylist I can be!.”


What are your biggest challenges?

“First, is cash flow. Running a business isn’t easy and all of my money goes into salon rent and investing and trying out new product. Then, there’s salon traffic. The location I am currently at is perfect, but it is in a hidden spot. To be known and get people in my chair I have to really market myself on social media and get my name out there.”

Do you think being both black and a woman has affected your business in any way, both good and bad? If so, how?

“Being a black woman has affected my business in a beautiful way. I’ve gotten a lot of other black ladies that just love to repost my work, book my services, and show support in any way that they can. I also get support from other women of all races because of the content I post. I’m super big on women empowerment and supporting one another, I love diversity!”

What’s one thing that gets you through the day?

“I remind myself I’m doing what I love and I’m able to do anything I put my mind to. The fact that I’m a business owner and the only person stopping me from living my dream and making money is myself.”

What’s the most rewarding part of being business owner?

“Making money and being able to determine how I spend it and making my own hours.”

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your business?

“This has been a hard time. When clients stop coming, I stop making money. Time like this makes me think of different ways I should bring different avenues into my business.”

How are you overcoming it for your business and personally?

“I’m staying positive and had all my clients rebook! Life happens, you just have to push through and stay motivated.”

What advice do you have for those who are already small business owners and for those who want to start their own business one day?

“My advice to an entrepreneur is to keep going and DON’T stop! There is light at the end of the tunnel even when you’re having your hardest day. Do not be afraid to be uncomfortable and pay for a team if it makes sense. My advice to someone wanting to start a business is RESEARCH. I use to hate researching things and would just jump in and do it. That’s ok, but you have to know what you need and have a plan to succeed.”

Name of Business:

  • Current - Mo Luxury Salon (1 Year)

Location: NoDa - Charlotte, North Carolina

Website for Booking:

Social Media - Instagram and Facebook @officialmoriahmarshall